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Enriched News

NewsFetch provides libraries that can enrich the News data. One or more enrichments can be applied on processed content from the article. The various enrichments that are available are:

  • Named Entity Recognition
  • Summarization (Abstractive at this time)
  • Topic Modelling
  • Question Answering
  • Generative Question Answering
  • Classification

Named Entity Recognition

Named Entity Recognition (NER) is the process of identifying named entities in text and classifying them into pre-defined categories such as the names of persons, organizations, locations, expressions of times, quantities, monetary values, percentages, etc.

Open Source Models

The NER processes wraps popular open-source NER libraries/models such as spaCy, and HuggingFace to provide a standardized interface to the NER process. Support is provided for AllenNLP and Flair as well.

The NER process generates a normalized output from the results that the open-source models provide. Further, there are utilities that aggregate entities from results from single model, and from multiple models. Entity composition from BILOU tagging is also available.

Cloud Provider Models

Various cloud providers provide NER models as a service. NewsFetch provides a wrapper for the AWS Comprehend NER service, Azure Text Analytics NER service, and Google Cloud Natural Language NER service. The output from these services is normalized to the NewsFetch NER output format. These services are paid services, and the user is expected to have an account with the cloud provider, and have the necessary credentials to access the service.


Summarization is the process of reducing a text document with a computer program in order to create a summary that retains the most important essence of the original document. A number of transformer based models that can generate a coherent summary of the input text, taking into account variables such as length, writing style and syntax.

Summarization can be either extractive or abstractive. Extractive summarization identifies the most important sentences in the text and reorders them to form the summary. Abstractive summarization generates new phrases and sentences to form the summary.

NewsFetch provides a standardized interface to summarization models from HuggingFace.

Topic Modelling

Topic modelling is the process of identifying topics in a text document. The topics are identified by the words that are most relevant to the topic.

NewsFetch provides a standardized interface to topic-modelling models from HuggingFace.

Question Answering

Question Answering is the process of answering a question based on the context of the text. The context can be a paragraph, or a document. The answer can be a sentence, or a span of text.

NewsFetch provides a standardized interface to question answering models from HuggingFace.

Generative Question Answering

Generative Question Answering is the process of generating a question based on the context of the text. The context can be a paragraph, or a document. The question can be a sentence, or a span of text.

NewsFetch provides a standardized interface to generative question answering models from HuggingFace.


Classification is the process of assigning a label to a text document. The label can be a category, or a tag. The text document can be a paragraph, or a document. Further the label can be a single label, or multiple labels.

NewsFetch provides a standardized interface to classification models from HuggingFace.

Enrichment Processing

A sample script that shows how to generate enrichments for News data is available in the NewsFetch Enrichments repository. We also have a new Docker image that can be used to run the enrichment process.